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Let's Visit the Onsite Hypak™ Innovation Design Workshop Today!

On September 28th, as one of the sub-forums of the "Design Universe" NBund International Creative Festival of Creativity 2023, the Kunlun™ Innovative Design Workshop with the theme "Material as the Foundation, Design without Boundaries" was successfully held at the Shanghai Innovation Creative Research Institute! Together with many art professionals and designers, we explored innovative materials, exchanged ideas, and enjoyed a perfect time of inspiration!

Exciting and Fresh Moments at the Event


Welcome Speech by Representative of Shanghai Innovation Creative Research Institute


Ms. Zhang Jie, Development Planning Director of DIIS

First of all, welcome everyone to this 90-year-old building, the "Lester Institute of Technical Education".  We hope to integrate design, technology, and business, mix things from different knowledge domains, and aim for "co-creation". We want to use the Reside School of Engineering Institute as a testing ground, introducing different carriers to settle in and have deep interactions, supporting companies to create and take risks, and building an innovative ecosystem. Hypak™ is one of our most important laboratories. We hope to promote the innovation of new light weight waterproof materials with Kingwills, one of the leading eco friendly material manufacturers, gain new ideas through cross-border collaboration, and incubate new products.


Welcome Speech by Representative of Kingwills Advanced Materials


Mr. Sun Jiang, Vice President of Kingwills Advanced Materials

The development of the future world is based on advancements in basic materials. One environmentally friendly and water resistant material, known as Hypak™ flash spun, is unlike paper but lighter, tear-resistant, waterproof, and breathable. Eco friendly waterproof material combines numerous characteristics into one and has a wide range of applications. Yet, the immense potential hidden within it is waiting for exploration by artists and designers to maximize its value, bringing products to life. We hope this event can inspire more creativity, promoting the application and development of new flash spun breathable waterproof material.


Artist Sharing

Li Chu-Hui

Contemporary Sculpture Artist

Higher Education in Chinese Sculpture Art


A sculpture artist and currently serves as the head of the Sculpture Department at the School of Fine Arts at Shanghai Normal University

"I have worked in collaboration with Kingwills Advanced Materials to introduce Hypak™ into the classroom and used the HDPE woven fabric for large-scale creations. Together, they organized an art installation exhibition called "Xi" From an artistic perspective, the openness and innovation of Hypak™ and the contradictory characteristics of the most breathable material offer limitless possibilities for outdoor installation art. In the future, we plan to use Hypak™ breathable but waterproof material more extensively for artistic exploration and creation to convey the core of art through material language and spirit."

Han Shao-Guang

Contemporary Artist

Contemporary Painting/Installation Art/ Study and Transformation of Cultural Symbols


Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Han Shao-Guang has been creating art for over two decades. He has continually moved between the realms of abstraction and concretion, navigating through the clear and obscure aspects of culture. His style is not limited to one particular form, as he draws upon images and mediums to create a diverse and multi-faceted representation. 

"Hypak™ has subverted my understanding of best breathable waterproof material. Flash Spun HDPE woven fabric does not follow conventional symbols or fixed patterns but allows me to experiment and create. This is the charm of the unknown. It can produce various textures, which in turn generate new artistic languages, fulfilling the artist's spiritual pursuit. By deconstructing and reconstructing Hypak™, it can produce different forms of language from the material itself. When applied to artistic practices across different levels, Flash Spun breathable fabric material has a subversive cognition that surprises the average person. This is where the value of Hypak™ lies."

Wang Yuan-Bo

Visual Designer

Design Studio

Co-Founder of STUDIO DPi


Wang Yuan-Bo focuses on providing effective visual solutions for every problem and emphasizes self-form exploration. She was awarded the 2022 Monograph Wallpaper* Design Award for the Emerging Designer of the Year. 

The limitless potential of Hypak™ Flash Spun is increasingly being applied to exhibitions, souvenirs, packaging, and even some innovative creations with Flash Spun innovative packaging materials. As one of the leading eco friendly material manufacturers, Kingwills Flash Spun, it offers innovative design trends that can be explored continuously, presenting in a more attitude-driven way in our lives.

Mini Forum

Impact of the Emergence of Advaned Materials on Design and Art-Related Industries

Design makes materials more inclusive. New lightweight waterproof materials break the inherent patterns of traditional materials, which have had a wide and profound impact on design. They provide designers with new possibilities and creativity, breaking through the limitations of traditional materials, allowing design to maximize its value. On the other hand, waterproof and breathable material can bring design closer to the lives of young people today, more accurately expressing their life philosophies and spiritual aspirations.


The emergence of Hypak™ Flash Spun brings new design trends and futures

Thin, light, waterproof, breathable, and tear-resistant characteristics make future products more comprehensive in practical functionality, meeting people's material needs. The material's contradictory nature and its "eternity" allow traditional products to have a stronger vitality. 

From an artistic perspective, as a material with a groundbreaking significance, Hypak™ Flash Spun offers designers ample room for creativity and provides more inspiration for innovation and design applications.


Discussion & Presentation

Brainstorming Session

In the live session, random groups were formed to conduct small group brainstorming on three main themes: ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), Life, and Packaging. After the discussions, the focus was on designing plans and presenting the design proposals generated.


In the process of discussion, artists and designers engaged in a collision of ideas, continually expressing thoughts, opening up avenues of thought, from direction to image and even installations, sparking entirely new ideas.


After the completion of the works, the designers interpreted the products from various perspectives and angles, deriving multiple possibilities for the combination of materials and products.


After an intense brainstorming session, the winning works were ultimately selected by a vote. During the award ceremony, Mr. Sun expressed his expectations for the designers, hoping that Hypak™ can be seen by more designers and applied to various fields.


This design workshop event has allowed us to see the boundless potential of Hypak™ lightweight breathable material in the realms of art and creativity. It has also given birth to many refreshing ideas.

Through collective exploration and exchange, we experience the charm of "boundaryless design." We look forward to more designers' participation, more bursts of inspiration,  and the use of innovative materials to make life better.

Kingwills International Limited
Kingwills™ is committed to becoming the world's most creative material technology enterprise, creating sustainable solutions for a better and happy life for people.