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Aseed+ Program! Kingwills™ Joins Hands With Hillhouse To Create An Infinite Future!

Seed investment track for new players

Gao Ling Announces' Aseed+ ' Program


As the name implies

It means a seed

It's the symbol of every startup

Birth and growth

Green House Wrap

Hillhouse, a well-known domestic investment institution, launched this new investment plan not long ago, aiming to focus on manufacturing, new energy, new materials, biotechnology, carbon neutrality and other key areas. Looking forward to working with more partners to provide professional and systematic services for more seed stage enterprises in the way of "co-creation".

Among the seed enterprises invested by Hillhouse, technology enterprises account for 83.6%. This year is even more frequent, Hillhouse has invested in 20 technology companies. Kingwills Advanced Materials. is a rising star of domestic scientific and technological innovation enterprises. Hillhouse not only led A round of financing of over 100 million yuan, but also included Kingwills Advanced Materials.Advanced flashspun fabric from Kingwills Flashspun Hypak.

Kingwills Advanced Materials

Entrepreneurs who have experience and are willing to challenge barriers. We're looking for entrepreneurs with experience and the passion, strength and industry to challenge high technical and engineering barriers.—— Luke, founding partner of Hillhouse

Since its establishment, Hillhouse has invested in more than 100 seed round enterprises, covering outstanding startups at home and abroad, and many of them have grown into global industry unicorns.

Successful investment results can also be attributed to the fact that Hillhouse always follows the early investment philosophy and constantly seeks entrepreneurs who are "experienced and willing to challenge".

The founder of Kingwills® New Material

The founder of Kingwills Advanced Materialsis also a manufacturing veteran who has experienced several industry cycles, and his industry experience is highly valued by Hillhouse.

Kingwills™ joins hands with Hillhouse

Start with a seed, toward the infinite possibilities

Greenguard Raindrop House Wrap

As a start-up company

Kingwills Advanced Materials has just begun to sprout from a seed

Grow step by step

In the process of slow growth to the infinite future.

Kingwills™ eco friendly waterproof material is looking forward to working with Hillhouse to prosperity innovation ecology and release the value of innovation.

Kingwills International Limited
Kingwills™ is committed to becoming the world's most creative material technology enterprise, creating sustainable solutions for a better and happy life for people.