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Founder Of Kingwills™, Was Invited To Attend The 75th Anniversary Of Myanmar's Independence

On February 8, Mr. Chen Boyi, founder and CEO of Kingwills™, was invited by the Ambassador of Myanmar to China, Mr. U Tin Maung Shwe and his wife, Ms. Du Mi Mi Mo, to attend the reception for the 75th anniversary of Myanmar Independence held at the Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to China in Beijing.

It is reported that nearly 200 people, including heads of relevant departments of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce, and representatives of outstanding enterprises, were invited to attend the reception. Myanmar Ambassador to China U Tin Maung Shwe delivered a speech, thanking all the distinguished guests for coming to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Myanmar's independence and expressing the hope to jointly push forward bilateral friendly and cooperative relations for new and greater development. Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Nong Rong attended the reception.

Mr. U Tin Maw Shwe, Myanmar Ambassador to China (second from right)  Mr. Chan Po-yi (first from right)

Mr. U Tin Maw Shwe, Myanmar Ambassador to China (second from right)

Mr. Chan Po-yi (first from right)

As an important cooperation partner in jointly building the Belt and Road, Myanmar enjoys excellent natural conditions and abundant natural resources. Myanmar and China have obvious complementary advantages and huge potential for cooperation. In the process of economic development, the Myanmar government and the business community in particular hope to make more use of modern technology to upgrade the industrial level and speed up economic development. The development level of the new material industry is an important symbol to measure the economic and social development and scientific and technological progress of a country or region and is also one of the key areas of international core technology competition.

As a technology innovation-driven material technology enterprise, Kingwills™ has gathered the world's top material science and technology scientists and devoted themselves to scientific research over the years, successfully broke the 60-year monopoly of American enterprises on this technology, and successfully "won" the "pearl" in the field of new nonwovens-flash spinning nonwovens, filling the gap in domestic technology. The company's flash spinning metamaterial product-Hypark™ special breathable waterproof material with strong physical properties and stable chemical properties has nearly 100 applications in the market and is one of the basic materials related to people's livelihood. At present, the Kingwills™ production line is running at full speed to ensure market supply and help the new material industry to flourish.

Kingwills International Limited
Kingwills™ is committed to becoming the world's most creative material technology enterprise, creating sustainable solutions for a better and happy life for people.